• dehumidifier and humidifier

Package refrigerant industrial dehumidifier and humidifier

  • Portable compact dehumidifier,
  • Properly designed to control and reduce air humidity of room environment for people to live or for industrial
    goods, medical products, and commodity to be kept and preserved. With this dehumidifier, loss caused by
    damp, bacteria, fungus, dust mite population, erosion and corrosion of apparatuses can be prevented,
  • This dehumidifier and humidifier can be designed for controlling the moisture content of product from 1% to
    95 % RH that is depended on the requirements of customer and process application, such as plastics and
    rubber, food, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and chemical industries,
  • The air dryer can reduce and control the air supply’s humidity lower than 20% RH between 1,200 and 8,000
    CFM of air output’s volume so that the final products are not damp due to high moisture, and condensate
    from production,
  • The humidifier can increase and control the air supply’s humidity up to 95 % RH between 1,200 and 8,000
    CFM of air output ‘s volume so that the final products are not dry due to moisture loss from production lines
  • Its digital control system is able to precisely control humidity level and remove more moisture per Kilowatt
    hour (L/kWh). So, it can extract more moisture than any common dehumidifier,
  • High efficiency and low power consumption,
  • This packaged refrigeration industrial dehumidifier and humidifier can be customized in accordance with
    the customer’s requirements, such as its size, capacity of dehumidifier or humidifier, and functions,
  • Providing after sales services and maintenances for all metropolitan regions and all parts of Thailand.